Edd Rogers Valley Ford

Mar 8, 2024

Your Ford automobile needs a healthy battery to power the components and start the engine. Over time, a battery can wear out and lose the ability to hold a charge. When a battery is on its last legs, you will likely notice significant differences in your vehicle’s performance. Knowing the symptoms of a dying battery allows you to promptly have it checked and replaced at a Ford dealer. Here we will discuss 6 signs you need a new car battery.

6 Signs Your Ford Needs a New Car Battery from a Ford Dealer

1. Dim Headlights 

If your car’s headlights seem weak and not as bright as they should be, it could be because of poor battery health. Chances are, your battery is no longer healthy enough to provide adequate power to the electrical system.

2. Slow Engine Cranks

When you turn the key in your car’s ignition, a healthy battery will supply enough power to crank the engine quickly. If the engine hesitates or takes more time to crank than usual, it could be due to a weak battery.

3. Frequent Jump Starts

If you find yourself having to jump-start your vehicle often, a dying battery is probably to blame. Jump-starting can temporarily revive a dead battery and save you from being stranded, but it isn’t a long-term solution. You should have the battery checked and replaced as soon as possible.

4. Electrical Issues

A failing battery can cause various electrical issues in your Ford vehicle. You may encounter problems with the power windows, radio, or interior lighting. These issues can occur persistently or intermittently, indicating the battery cannot keep up with the power demands of the electrical components.

5. Corroded Battery Terminals

If you notice a buildup of green and/or white residue on the battery terminals, it’s corrosion. As corrosion buildup becomes thicker, it becomes more difficult for the battery to transmit power to the terminal. The terminals can be cleaned, which may help for awhile; but if the corrosion persists, it is time for a new battery.

6. Older Battery 

Car batteries have a limited lifespan, typically anywhere from 3 to 5 years. If your batter is in or approaching this timeframe, consider buying a replacement. Even if your battery is still functioning, an older battery is more likely to fail unexpectedly, possibly leaving you stranded.

Being familiar with the warning signs of a failing car battery may prevent an unexpected breakdown while traveling. By paying attention to headlight power and electrical features, you can potentially avoid getting stranded and save yourself time and money in the long run. If you notice any of the above signs, visit Edd Rogers Valley Ford in Sparta, TN to